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생각의 스위치를 내리는 법




자주 생각하지 말자 , 때때로 스위치를 내려서 신경을 끄자 

로미오와 줄리엣은 서로에게 몰두했기 때문에

서로가 세상 무엇보다 소중하고 가치 있다고 확신했다.

사랑이 심지어는 자신의 목숨보다 더 중요했다.

물론 그것은 사랑의 환상이다. 

로미오와 쥴리엣도 몇 년 더 사귀였다면 

자신들이 환상에 빠졌었다는 걸 깨닫고

수줍게 웃을 수도 있었을 것이다. 

그렇게 환상을 넘어서야 사랑이

완숙된다는 걸 그때 그들은 몰랐다.

내가 중요하다고 생각하는 것은

내 생각만큼 중요하지 않을 수 있다. 

바꿔 말해서 나는 생각보다 덜 중요한 문제 때문에

지금 필요 이상으로 괴로워하고 있는지도 모른다. 

삶이 어떤 것도 당신이 그걸 생각하는 동안에

당신이 생각하는 만큼 중요하지 않다. 

무엇에 대해 생각하는 동안에는 인생에 있어 

그것이 가장 중요하게 생각된다는 말이다.


--행복의 기술 중에서 --


영어글자와 장화속에 꽃





Don't think about it often.

Turn off the switch from time to time to turn off your nerves

Romeo and Juliet were so absorbed in each other

that they were convinced

they were more precious and valuable

than anything else in the world.

Their love was even more important than their own lives.

But, of course, that was the illusion of love.

If Romeo and Juliet had dated for a few more years,

they might have realized

they were under a spell and laughed shyly about it.

They didn't know that love matures beyond such illusions.

What I think is important may not actually be as important as I believe.

In other words, I might be suffering unnecessarily over something

that's less significant than I imagine.

In life, nothing is as crucial as we think it is while we're thinking about it.

When we focus on something, it feels like the most important thing in life.


-- From Turning Off the Mental Switch--



The author has consistently pursued research on positive psychology, emotions, and human well-being and happiness, particularly focusing on understanding the emotions and happiness of Koreans. The book "The Art of Happiness" explains how to find and create happiness in everyday life through psychological research and various examples. It emphasizes that happiness is not merely about positive emotions, but about the process of finding overall meaning and satisfaction in life.