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건강한 사람의 뇌파를 측정하면

주파수가 높고 진동에 일관성이 있다.

에너지의 진동이 빠르고 규칙적인 진동이 있다는 말이다. 

하지만 아픈 사람의 경우 주파수가 낮고

진동에 일관성도 없어 뇌파에 불협화음만 가득하다.  

사지 마비 환자인 존의 경우, 교통사고로 척수가 심각하게 손상되어

  평생을 사지 마비로 살아야 한다는 진단을 받은 그는

디스펜자 박사의 상상치유 워크숍에 참여했고  혼자 일어나서 걷는 기적을 보였다. 

뇌전도 측정기를 쓰면 사용하는 에너지의 양을 색깔을 알 수 있는데, 

훈련 전에는 에너지가 매우 낮아  인지 능력이나 

육체적 통제 능력이 저하된 상태를 나타내는 파란색이 대부분이었다. 

이렇게 손상된 뇌가 훈련을 시작한 후 90%에서

정상적인 상태를 뜻하는 녹색으로 나타났다.  

사흘 만에 일어난 극적인 변화이고 기적적인 회복이다. 

디스펜자 박사는 손상된 척수를 기적적으로 치유한 것은

화학물질이나 분자가 아니라. 에너지라고 설명한다. 

생각을 바꾸는 훈련으로 에너지를 바꿀 때 

실제로 몸속 원자들의  주파수를 높여 에너지장을 증폭시킨다. 

원자 선풍기들을 더 빨리 돌아가게 만드는 것이다.  

새로운 나를 받아들이고 희망, 기쁨, 감사의 같은 밝은 감정을 벅차게 느낄 때

  원자들의 선풍의 날개가 더 빨리 회전하면서 

몸의 에너지 장이 증폭된다. 


--미라클 중에서--


영어글자와 바닷가





Imagination Healing


When measuring the brainwaves of a healthy person,

the frequency is high, and the vibrations are consistent,

indicating fast and regular energy oscillations.

In contrast, in individuals who are unwell, brainwave frequencies are lower,

and the vibrations lack consistency, filled instead with dissonance.

Take the case of John, a quadriplegic patient.

Following a severe spinal cord injury in a car accident

, he was diagnosed to live his life paralyzed.

However, he participated in Dr. Dispenza’s mental healing workshop,

where he miraculously stood up and walked on his own.

Using an EEG device, it was observed that before the training,

his energy levels were extremely low, represented predominantly by blue

—a color signifying reduced cognitive and physical control abilities.

After just three days of training, over 90% of his readings shifted to green,

indicating a normal state.

This dramatic transformation marked a miraculous recovery.

Dr. Dispenza explains that the healing of John’s damaged spinal cord

was not driven by chemicals or molecules but by energy.

Through mental training to shift thoughts, energy is altered,

raising the frequency of the body's atoms and amplifying its energy field

—like speeding up the rotation of atomic "fans."

When we embrace a new self and deeply experience positive emotions

like hope, joy, and gratitude, the blades of these atomic fans spin faster,

amplifying the body's energy field.

This heightened energy state facilitates profound healing and transformation.



Imagination Healing --From Miracle--



The author is an expert and writer in the fields of neuroscience, brain training, and self-development. She focuses on enhancing brain function and maintaining a youthful and healthy brain through research and practical advice. Her work aims to help people lead better lives by exploring ways to transform and train the brain. Her book, Miracle, presents strategies for maximizing the brain's potential and keeping it young and healthy. She argues that brain aging is not simply a natural consequence of aging but is often due to a lack of stimulation, and she introduces various methods to activate and revitalize the brain.