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두려움이 아닌 꿈을 조정하라.




두려움이 아닌 꿈을 조정하라. 


한 남자가 있었다.

그는 카레이싱을 배우고 싶었다.

훈련을 받기 위해서 그는 어느 날 전문코치를 찾아갔다.

훈련받는 첫날, 엄청난 속도에 압도되어 그는 정신이 하나도 없었다.

코너를 돌 때마다 차가 미끄러졌고

차가 벽에 부딪치지 않으려고 자꾸 벽을 신경 쓰게 됐다. 

하지만 벽을 피하려고 하면 할수록

부딪칠 것 같은 공포감은 자꾸 커졌다.

그때 옆에 있던 코치가 그 남자의 머리를 잡더니

그가 가야 할 방향으로 고개를 확 돌렸다. 

코치는 그를 향해 소리쳤다.

"벽을 보지 말고 가야 할 길을 봐 " 

전문레이서 들은 이를 잘 안다. 

자신이 바라보고 생각하는 방향으로

차가 움직인다는 사실을 말이다. 

두렵더라도 억지로라도 내가 가야 할 방향에

내 시선과 생각에 초점을 두는 게 중요하다.

우리가 봐야 할 건 벽이 아니라 가야 할 길이다. 

사람의 인생도 마찬가지다.

마음에 꿈을 담으면 갈수록 꿈을 닮는다.

마음에 무언가를 담는다는 건 그걸 계속 바라봤다는 거다. 




영어글자와 단풍이 든 숲길





Steer Your Dreams, Not Your Fears!

A man once decided to learn car racing.

To train, he sought out a professional coach.

On his first day, overwhelmed by the incredible speed,

he struggled to keep focus.

Each time he approached a corner, the car skidded,

and his attention kept shifting to the walls,

fearing he might crash.

The more he fixated on avoiding the wall,

the more intense his fear became.

At one point, his coach grabbed his head and forcefully turned it

toward the path he needed to take, shouting,

"Don’t look at the wall—look where you want to go!"

Professional racers know this well:

the car follows where the driver’s gaze and focus are directed.

Life, much like racing, works the same way.

You move toward your dreams as you set your sights on them.

Holding a dream in your heart means you consistently focus on it,

and by doing so, you move closer to making it a reality.

This story illustrates the importance of focusing

not on obstacles but on the direction you want to go.


Steer Your Dreams, Not Your Fears! --From After a Good Cry, I Got Hungry--



The book "After a Good Cry, I Got Hungry" delves into the wounds and exhaustion we often encounter in everyday life and offers stories about overcoming those moments. Just as we feel hunger after shedding tears, the book conveys the message that sadness and pain eventually pass, allowing us to rediscover life's vitality. Through relatable anecdotes from daily life, it provides readers with experiences and comfort they can resonate with, charting a journey toward hope. Written with the purpose of giving courage and solace to those facing difficult times, the book uses concise sentences and emotional expressions to connect deeply with its audience, earning widespread admiration. This heartfelt exploration of resilience serves as both a gentle reminder and an encouraging guide for those navigating through challenging periods in life.