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당신이 자신에게 말하는 것이 당신의 삶이 됩니다



당신이 자신에게 말하는 것이 당신의 삶이 됩니다


선종의 창시자 달마대사에게는

다음과 같은 일화가 있다.

제자가 달마 대사에게 좌선을 하면

어떤 좋은 일이 있습니까? 하고 물었다. 

그러자 달마대사는 단 한마디,

좋은 일은 하나도 없다.라고 대답했다.

  달마대사의 말인즉슨 이것을 하면

어떤 좋은 일이 있을까? 하고 딴생각을 하니까

좌선에 집중할 수 없는 것이다

  마음을 비워라 , 생각을 하지 마라,

지금 하는 일에 집중해야 깨달음을 얻을 수 있다는 뜻이다.

 성공을 목적으로 삼지 말고 마음을 비우고

노력하는데 최선을 다하면

좋은 결과를 얻게 된다.

마음을 비우자. 잡념에 휘둘리지 마라


-- 내가 나에게 하는 말이 내 삶이 된다.  중에서--


영어 글자와 교회




What You Say to Yourself Becomes Your Life


There is a well-known story about Bodhidharma,

the founder of the Zen school of Buddhism.

A disciple once asked him,

"What good will come from practicing seated meditation?"

Bodhidharma responded with just one phrase:

"No good will come of it."

What he meant was that the disciple couldn’t focus on meditation

because he was already thinking

about what benefits he might gain from it.

Bodhidharma's message was to empty the mind

—stop thinking, and focus on the present task.

Only by doing so can one achieve enlightenment.

Don't aim for success. Instead, empty your mind

and devote yourself fully to your efforts.

When you do, good results will naturally follow.

Empty your mind,

and don't let yourself be swayed by distracting thoughts.



What You Say to Yourself Becomes Your Life --From One Word Therapy--



The author is a psychologist and writer who, after working at Shiseido, has studied life philosophy based on psychology, Eastern philosophy, Buddhist thought, and success philosophy. He developed his own theory of success called "Seongshimology" (The Study of the Successful Mind), which is the result of over 20 years of research. He began writing in 1986. His book, * One Word Therapy *, emphasizes the importance of positive self-suggestion. The author explains that the words we unconsciously mutter to ourselves have a significant impact on our lives.