뇌도 헬스가 필요해?
연구에서 알츠하이머병 환자들을 대상으로
문장을 소리 내어 읽는 훈련을 실시했다.
짧은 글이나 단어를 일주일에 다섯 번씩
소리 내어 읽는 간단한 프로그램이었다.
그 외에 다른 변수는 없었다.
그런데 놀랍게도 이 훈련만으로도
치매 환자들의 인지 기능이 향상됐다.
증상이 멈춘 게 아니라 오히려 나아지는 양상이었다.
독서는 뇌의 전신운동과 같다고 할 수 있다.
또 연구에서는 사진이나 그림, 만화가 중심인
잡지나 서적을 읽을 때는 사고하는 뇌가
그리 활발히 움직이지 않았다.
흥미롭게도 지면에 사진이나 그림과 함께
텍스트가 있고 피험자가 그 글을 읽고 있음에도
배외측전접두엽의 활성화가 미미했다.
다양한 계측 테이터를 종합하면
결국 활자를 중심으로 한 책을 읽는 편이
뇌의 전신운동에 도움이 된다고 하겠다
-- 독서의 뇌과학 중에서--
Does the brain need fitness?
In a study, Alzheimer's patients were trained
to read sentences aloud.
This simple program involved reading short passages
or words aloud five times a week,
with no additional variables involved.
Surprisingly, this training alone led to improvements
in the cognitive function of dementia patients.
Rather than just halting symptoms,
their condition actually showed signs of improvement.
Reading, in this sense,
is like a full-body workout for the brain.
The study also examined different types of reading materials.
When participants read magazines
or books focused mainly on photos, illustrations, or comics,
the brain regions responsibleor active thinking were not as engaged.
interestingly, even when text was present alongside images or illustrations,
activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex remained minimal.
Based on various data metrics,
it appears that reading text-centered books
is indeed more beneficial for stimulating the brain,
acting as a full workout for the mind.
--From The Neuroscience of Reading--
The author is a renowned Japanese neuroscientist and medical doctor widely recognized for his research on brain activation. He tracked and studied 70,000 brains over a period of 14 years, ultimately discovering that reading is the most essential tool for brain activation in the digital age. As a professor at Tohoku University in Japan, he has contributed significantly to the field of neuroscience, with his research proving instrumental in dementia prevention and cognitive function improvement for older adults. In 'The Neuroscience of Reading', he scientifically analyzes the impact of reading on the brain and explains how reading stimulates and activates it. This book focuses on how reading positively influences the brain, detailing ways in which it can stimulate and activate specific areas. Moreover, it presents a perspective that views reading not merely as a hobby but as a crucial activity for maintaining brain health.