행복의 과학적 이해
인간은 새로운 것에 놀랍도록 빨리 적응하는 동물이다.
이 적응이라는 강력한 현상 때문에
아무리 감격스러운 사건도 시간이 지나면 희미 해진다.
복권당첨이나 새집마련, 승진 같은 일들은 짜릿하지만
그 어떤 대단한 일도 지속적으로 즐거움을 주지 못한다.
행복은 폭죽 같은 큰 사건으로 얻어지는 것이 아니라
초콜릿 같은 소소한 즐거움에 가랑비에서 비롯된다.
객관적으로 얼마나 많이 가졌느냐 보다는
이미 가진 것을 얼마나 좋아하느냐 가 행복과 더 깊은 관련이 있다.
행복은 한방에 해결되는 것이 아니다.
모든 쾌락은 곧 초기화가 되기 때문에 큰 기쁨 한 번보다
작은 기쁨을 여러 번 느끼는 것이 절대적으로 중요하다.
행복은 기쁨의 강도가 아니라 빈도다.
행복은 거창한 것이 아니다.
--행복의 기원 중에서 --
Understanding the Science of Happiness.
Humans adapt astonishingly quickly to new experiences.
This powerful phenomenon of adaptation causes even
the most moving events to fade over time.
Winning the lottery, buying a new house,
or getting a promotion are thrilling events,
but no great occurrence provides lasting joy.
Happiness is not derived from grand fireworks-like events but from small,
chocolate-like pleasures that drizzle down on us.
Happiness is more closely related to how much you enjoy
what you already have rather than how much you objectively possess.
Happiness is not achieved in one fell swoop.
All pleasures are soon reset,
making it crucial to experience small joys frequently rather than one big joy.
Happiness is not about the intensity of joy but its frequency.
Happiness is not something grandiose.
.--From The Origin of Happiness
The author of the book 'The Origin of Happiness' is a psychologist and professor. He has published over 100 papers on the subject of happiness, which have been cited more than 90,000 times in academic circles. In 2011, he was named one of the world's top 100 happiness researchers. His primary research focuses on topics related to happiness, analyzing how human psychological well-being is shaped and functions within biological and social contexts. His book *The Origin of Happiness* aims to correct common misconceptions and false beliefs about happiness, explaining what happiness is, how it is experienced, and how it can be attained from a scientific perspective.