인간의 뇌는 무엇을 위해 설계되었을까?
매가 홀로 있는 비둘기를 공격할 때,
사냥 성공률은 80%에 이른다.
그러나 비둘기가 짝을 이루고 있을 때는
이 비율이 60%로 떨어진다.
50마리의 무리를 형성하면 성공률은 10% 이하로 급락한다.
모든 동물은 함께 있을 때 생존율이 높아진다.
인간도 다르지 않다.
장기 연구에 따르면 현대인들의 주요 사망 원인은
사고나 암이 아니라 고독이다.
사회성은 인간의 생사 여부를 결정짓는 중요한 특성이다.
저명한 신경과학자 마이클 가자니가 교수는
자신의 저서에서 중요한 질문을 던진다:
인간의 뇌는 무엇을 위해 설계되었는가?
평생의 연구를 바탕으로 그는 인간의 뇌가
인간관계를 관리하기 위해 설계되었다고 결론짓는다.
그는 인간을 본질적으로 사회적 존재로 설명하며,
지구상에서 가장 성공적인 종이 개미와 인간이라고 하며
그들의 공통된 특성은 바로 극도로 사회적이라는 것이다
--행복의 기원 중에서 --
What is the human brain designed to do?
When a hawk attacks a lone pigeon,
the success rate of the hunt is 80%.
However, if the pigeon is with a companion,
this rate drops to 60%. When pigeons form a flock of 50,
the success rate plummets to below 10%.
The survival rate of all animals increases when they are with others.
Humans are no different.
Long-term studies have shown that the leading cause of death
among modern people is not accidents or cancer, but loneliness.
Sociality is a distinctive characteristic
that determines the life and death of humans.
Professor Michael Gazzaniga, a renowned neuroscientist,
poses a significant question in his book:
What is the human brain designed to do?
Based on his lifelong research,
he concludes that the human brain is designed
for managing human relationships.
He describes humans as inherently social.
He concludes that the most successful species on Earth
are ants and humans, and their common trait is being extremely social.
What is the human brain designed to do? --From The Origin of Happiness--
The author of the book 'The Origin of Happiness' is a psychologist and professor. He has published over 100 papers on the subject of happiness, which have been cited more than 90,000 times in academic circles. In 2011, he was named one of the world's top 100 happiness researchers. His primary research focuses on topics related to happiness, analyzing how human psychological well-being is shaped and functions within biological and social contexts. His book *The Origin of Happiness* aims to correct common misconceptions and false beliefs about happiness, explaining what happiness is, how it is experienced, and how it can be attained from a scientific perspective.