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얼굴이 바뀌면 좋은운이 온다


형상에는 뜻이 있다 그래서 그 뜻을 잘 연구하면 미래를 알 수 있다.


특히 사람의 얼굴은 그 모양에 따라 거대한 운명의 변화를

일으키거나 특정한 미래로 향하게 만들기도 한다.

그래서 동양에서는 일찍이 사람의 얼굴을 보고

운명을 예측하는 방법이 발달했다.

관상은 주로 인간의 얼굴을 관찰하고 판단하지만

단순히 잘생겼거나 못생겼다를 보는 것이 아니다.

잘생겨도 운명이 나쁜 사람은 얼마든지 있다.

눈 성형이나 주름을 없애는 시술은

나이가 어느 정도 든 후에 하는 게 좋다.

특히 너무 이른 나이에 주름을 없애는

시술을 하면 자칫 더 나쁜 변형을 유도할 수 있다.

어느 쪽이든 얼굴이 갑자기 변하는 것은 운명이 변할 징조다.


--얼굴이 바뀌면 좋은 운이 온다 중에서--



영어 글자와 집안의 거실





When Your Face Changes, Good Fortune Comes


Shapes carry meaning, and by studying this meaning,

one can predict the future.

In particular, a person's face can signal significant shifts in destiny

or point toward a specific future path based on its features.

In Eastern traditions, methods of predicting a person's fate by

examining their face—known as physiognomy—have been developed over centuries.

Physiognomy is not just about judging someone's beauty or lack thereof;

after all, some people with attractive faces may still have challenging fates.

Cosmetic procedures, such as eye surgeries or wrinkle removals,

should be approached with care, particularly at a young age.

Early alterations may lead to unwanted outcomes,

potentially influencing one’s fate.

In any case, a sudden change in one’s face

can be an indicator of a shift in destiny


--From When Your Face Changes, Good Fortune Comes--



Author Kim Seung-ho is a Korean expert in  Four Pillars of Destiny (Saju), fate analysis, and destiny studies. He has written numerous books related to fate and destiny. Kim argues that the shape and features of a person's face can influence their fate, explaining the correlation between facial characteristics and destiny. His research and philosophy are grounded in traditional Eastern philosophy, closely tied to Saju (Four Pillars of Destiny), Myeongrihak (a Korean form of astrology), and Feng Shui (geomancy). In his book 'When Your Face Changes, Good Fortune Comes', he presents the idea that changing one's facial appearance can alter their fate. He conveys the message that by positively transforming one's face, a person can improve the overall flow of their life and enhance their destiny.