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부의 기본법칙



부의 기본법칙


부를 지배하는 법칙은 수학 음악 물리학 과학을 지배하는 법칙과

마찬가지로 확실하고 실행 가능하다.

성경은 심고 거두는 것,  주고받는 것에 대해 이야기하며 

부의 기본법칙을 설명한다.

과학자들은 이를 작용과 반작용으로 설명한다.

 일각에서는 이를 수요와 공급의 법칙이라고 부르기도 한다.

랄프왈도 에머슨은 이를 같은 것끼리 

서로 끌어당기는 보상의 법칙이라고 설명했다. 

 이 부의 기본법칙은 발산과 끌어당김으로 생각한다.

  당신의 생각, 감정, 심상, 말등 당신이 외부로 발산하는 것이 

당신의 삶과 일에서 당신에게로 끌려 온다는 뜻이다. 

하지만 마냥 공짜로 얻을 수 없다. 

오늘날 대부분의 사람들이 거두려면 뿌려야 한다는 사실을 모른다.

나누거나 심지 않으면 우주의 풍부하고

무한한 물질을 공급받을 수 있는 통로가 형성되지 않는다. 


-- 금가루 수업 중에서--


영어글자와 고양이




The Fundamental Laws of Wealth

The laws governing wealth are as definitive

and actionable as those governing mathematics,

music, physics, and science.

The Bible speaks of sowing and reaping, or giving and receiving,

to explain the fundamental laws of wealth.

Scientists describe this as the principle of action and reaction.

Others refer to it as the law of supply and demand.

Ralph Waldo Emerson described it as the Law of Compensation,

where like attracts like.

This fundamental law of wealth can be thought

of as the principle of radiation and attraction.

What you emit outward through your thoughts, emotions, mental images,

and words is what you attract into your life and work.

However, wealth cannot be obtained for free.

Most people today fail to understand that in order to harvest,

one must first sow. Without giving or planting,

the channels to access the universe's abundant

and limitless resources cannot be opened.


--From The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity--



Catherine Ponder is a renowned American New Thought author and speaker, known for her influential books on prosperity, success, and positive thinking. Through her writings, she explains how to attract material abundance and success based on spiritual principles, inspiring countless readers worldwide.

"The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity" is one of Catherine Ponder's most notable works, often referred to as the Golden Gleanings Course. This book explores the mental and spiritual principles necessary to attract prosperity. It offers practical advice and spiritual insights to help readers discover and experience abundance in their lives.