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도구를 넘어선 존재 AI





도구를 넘어선 존재 AI


이제껏 인간이 만든 발명품들이 인간에게 힘을 실어준 이유는

새로운 도구가 아무리 강력해도 그것이 어디에 있을지

결정하는 것은 항상 우리 몫이었기 때문이다.

칼과 폭탄은 누구를 죽일지 스스로 결정하지 않는다.

반면 AI는 스스로 정보를 처리할 수 있고 따라서

인간을 대신하여 결정을 내릴 수 있다.

AI혁명의 초기 단계인 지금 이 순간에도 컴퓨터는

이미 우리에게 대출을 해줄지, 우리를 직장에 고용할지,

교도소에 보낼지와 같은 결정을 내린다.

이런 추세는 앞으로 더 강화되고 가속화될 것이다. 

과연 컴퓨터 알고리즘이 지혜로운 결정을 내리고

더 나은 세상을 만들 것이라고 믿을 수 있을까?

그것은 빗자루에 주문을 걸면 물을 길어올 것이라는 믿음보다

훨씬 더 위험한 도박이다.

이 도박에 우리가 거는 것은 단지 인간의 삶만이 아니다.

AI는 우리 종의 역사뿐만이 아니라

모든 생명형태에 진화 경로를 바꿀 가능성이 있다


--넥서스 중에서--



영어글자와 강가의 배들





AI Beyond Tools


The reason why human inventions have empowered us is that,

no matter how powerful these new tools may be,

it has always been up to us to decide how they are used.

Knives and bombs do not choose whom to kill on their own.

AI, however, can process information independently,

allowing it to make decisions on behalf of humans. 

Even now, in these early stages of the AI revolution,

computers are already making decisions about whether we qualify for loans,

whether we should be hired, and even whether we should be sent to prison.

This trend is set to grow stronger and faster.

But can we really trust computer algorithms

to make wise decisions and create a better world?

Such faith is a far more dangerous gamble than believing a magic broom

will fetch water on command.

In this gamble, what’s at stake is not only human lives.

AI has the potential to alter the course of evolution itself,

impacting not just the history of our species but the future of all life forms.

 --From Nexus--




The author is an Israeli historian widely recognized in contemporary humanities and history. Harari is especially well-known for his insightful explorations of changes in humanity, technology, politics, economics, and religion. His major works include 'Sapiens', 'Homo Deus', and '21 Lessons for the 21st Century', which tackle pressing issues of modern society and offer predictions about the future. In his book 'Nexus', Harari examines the impact of humanity’s information networks on society and civilization, covering the trajectory of human history from prehistoric times to the age of artificial intelligence. He delves into the relationship between information, truth, myths, and power, analyzing how societies have historically managed information and the political and social implications of its control. 'Nexus' highlights how information networks both safeguard freedom and reinforce control by emphasizing humanity's psychological vulnerabilities. In the book's later chapters, Harari warns about AI's potential to manipulate human cognition and decision-making through information, discussing the societal crises that may arise as AI becomes more pervasive.