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뇌를 깨우는 마법의 주문



뇌를 깨우는 마법의 주문


매일 공부하기 전에 2분만 글을 소리 내어 읽어보자! 

음독이 뇌에는 일종의 준비 운동으로 작용하여 

이후 본격적으로 공부를 할 때 뇌가 전력을

다해 움직일 수 있는 상태가 된다. 

집중력이 높아지고, 학습속도가 향상되므로 

학습효과도 자연스레 올라간다. 

또 기억력 같은 뇌의 인지 기능을 음독으로

향상할 수 있다면 뇌가 더 학습하기 쉬운 쪽으로 변화한다. 

또 음독은 긴장 완화에도 도움이 된다.

시험이나 발표, 면접, 비즈니스미팅등 중요한 자리를 앞두고

긴장되는 상황에서는 시작하기 전에 글을 소리 내어 읽어보자. 

긴장으로 얼어붙지 않고 본래의 능력을 발휘하기 수월할 것이다. 

아이들에게는  시험이 시작되면 일단 문제의 지문을

빨리 읽어보라!라고 조언한다.

일단 문장을 읽는 행위가 중요하기 때문이다.

글을 빠르게 읽으면 뇌를 더 쉽게 활성화할 수 있다는

사실이 실험을 통해 밝혀졌다.


--매일 2분 치매 예방법--





A Magical Spell to Wake Up Your Brain


Before you start studying every day,

spend just 2 minutes reading aloud!

Reading aloud acts as a kind of warm-up exercise for the brain,

preparing it to function at full capacity

when you start studying in earnest.

This helps to enhance focus and improves the speed of learning,

naturally boosting study effectiveness.

If reading aloud can improve cognitive functions like memory,

the brain becomes more adapted to learning.

Moreover, reading aloud helps to relieve tension.

If you feel nervous before a test, presentation, interview,

or business meeting, try reading aloud before you start.

This can prevent you from freezing up and help you perform at your best.

For children, it's advised to read the test questions quickly once the test starts.

The act of reading sentences is important.

Experiments have shown that quickly reading activates the brain more easily.


A Magical Spell to Wake Up Your Brain --From The Neuroscience of Reading--



The author is a renowned Japanese neuroscientist and medical doctor widely recognized for his research on brain activation. He tracked and studied 70,000 brains over a period of 14 years, ultimately discovering that reading is the most essential tool for brain activation in the digital age. As a professor at Tohoku University in Japan, he has contributed significantly to the field of neuroscience, with his research proving instrumental in dementia prevention and cognitive function improvement for older adults. In 'The Neuroscience of Reading', he scientifically analyzes the impact of reading on the brain and explains how reading stimulates and activates it. This book focuses on how reading positively influences the brain, detailing ways in which it can stimulate and activate specific areas. Moreover, it presents a perspective that views reading not merely as a hobby but as a crucial activity for maintaining brain health.